The Congress of South African Trade Unions (COSATU) in Limpopo has expressed shock, outrage, and horror at the reported blatant ill-treatment of workers on a farm near Groblersdal.
The incident unfolded when two workers faced severe assaults and had dogs unleashed upon them after being accused by the farm’s owner and his son of allegedly sleeping on duty.
In a statement, Provincial Secretary Hangwani Mashao said COSATU condemns the unacceptable behavior, and that the employer should have followed the rules at work as laid out in the Labour Relations Act.
“We must outrightly remind all that matters of discipline at work are handled in terms of the provisions of the Labour Relations Act. Physical violence is prohibited in the workplace and constitutes a criminal offence in terms of the South African Criminal Law. Our analysis and characterisation of this crime committed by the employer and his son constitute hate crime inspired by racism.”
COSATU said that it was further disturbed by the actions of some racists who supported the father and son by parading around the streets of Groblersdal while carrying the flags of the defunct republics.
“Their behaviour characterises the fossilized ideas as represented by the fascist polices of apartheid. We condemn in the strongest terms, the tomfoolery of 24 January 2024, which was not only ugly but also undermined the authority of the state.”
The Federation urges its members and the community to remain vigilant against all forms of racism.
“Our commitment to building a peaceful and cohesive society where every person will be respected irrespective of class and race remains undeterred. Law enforcement agencies must leave no stone unturned in ensuring that the victims find justice, and that those who committed crimes in the episode of 24 January 2024 are brought to book.”