IEC Announces Dates for Final Voter Registration Weekend - Mega Press

IEC Announces Dates for Final Voter Registration Weekend

Electoral Commission announces dates for second and final voter registration weekend

The Electoral Commission announces the dates for the second and final voter registration weekend ahead of the 2024 National and Provincial Elections.

The country’s 23 296 voting stations will open from 08h00 to 17h00 on Saturday 3 February and Sunday 4 February 2024 to allow new voters to register and existing voters to

inspect and if necessary update their registration details.

Following the first registration weekend held on 18 and 19 November 2023, the voters’ roll contains 26.8 million voters with 568 374 of those registering for the first time during that period. The Electoral Commission is hopeful that the second registration weekend will build on and surpass the satisfactory turn out recorded in November.

Citizens aged 16 years and older can register to vote. All they need are a South African identity document (ID), either a green barcoded ID book, smartcard ID or a valid temporary ID certificate.

When registering, voters will need to provide their address or a description of where they live to allow the Electoral Commission to place them on the correct segment of the voters’ roll. However, proof of an address is not a requirement to register as a voter.

Similarly, South Africans living abroad will have an opportunity to register at South Africa’s 120 high commissions, embassies and consulates. The Electoral Commission is pleased to confirm that South Africans abroad may register at high commissions, embassies and consulates on 26, 27 and 28 January 2024.

For the first time, South Africans abroad may now register as voters using the online self-registration portal by visiting and capturing their details and uploading a scanned image of their identity document.  The portal will extend convenience to this category of voters.

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