Kharishma Refuses OpenMic Deal, Matome Music Video Release in Limbo - Mega Press

Kharishma Refuses OpenMic Deal, Matome Music Video Release in Limbo

Kharishma & Ba Bethe Gashoazen – Picture : Director Toolz

The excitement surrounding the highly anticipated music video for the hit song “Matome” has turned into uncertainty as Kharishma remains reluctant to sign with OpenMic Productions.

“Matome,” a collaboration between Kharishma and Ba Bethe Gashoazen, has taken the music scene by storm and has become a favorite on the streets. 

However, recent whispers in the industry have raised concerns about the song’s ownership and future.

Allegations have emerged that Ba Bethe Gashoazen allegedly sold 50% of the song’s rights to OpenMic Productions, causing controversy and raising eyebrows among fans and industry insiders alike.

OpenMic Productions, eager to capitalize on the song’s popularity, has been working hard to produce the long-awaited music video for “Matome.” 

Unfortunately, the project has hit a snag due to Kharishma’s reluctance to associate herself with the production company.

Sources suggest that Kharishma was advised to distance herself from OpenMic due to the ongoing scandals surrounding Makhadzi’s abrupt departure from the same label.

Melly Music PR has entered the fray, expressing interest in acquiring the rights to the song that Ba Bethe Gashoazen allegedly sold to OpenMic.

The hope is that by securing the rights, Melly Music PR can pave the way for the release of the much-awaited music video, offering fans a glimmer of hope.

Apart from the contractual disputes, Kharishma has also taken a bold stand against DJ Callme, calling out his perceived unreliability in guiding new and upcoming artists. 

Expressing her disillusionment with the music industry, Kharishma vowed to protect herself from potential pitfalls and misleading influences that could affect her career.

As the tussle over “Matome” continues, fans are left eagerly awaiting any updates on the music video’s release. 

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