The latest assessment to complete the Polokwane softball stadium within the current scope amounts to an additional R184 million.
R85 million was earmarked to build an international softball stadium funded by the MIG (Municipal Infrastructure Grant), the project was plagued with issues ranging from vandalism, business forum stoppages, Covid and cash flow challenges by the contractor.
84% of the contracted amount has already been paid and the project’s physical progress is only at 43%. The contractor has since terminated his contract with the Municipality.
The DA in Limpopo voted against the approval of additional funding to complete the construction of the Polokwane Softball Stadium
DA Caucus Leader, Jacques Joubert says that the municipality would have to co-fund an amount of R90 683 471,83, which would severely impact other approved capital projects funded from the Integrated Urban Development Grant (IUDG).
“Although we understand that sport is effective in promoting physical health and fostering social cohesion, this cannot come at the cost-of-service delivery to the ratepayer,” said Joubert
“We believe the scope should be dramatically reduced in order to complete the project and avoid the project ending up as a white elephant. We demand that the Municipal Public Accounts Committee (MPAC) investigates the matter.,” added Joubert
The DA says other crucial projects currently funded by IUDG range from roads projects, waste transfer stations, electrical infrastructure and other rural sports facilities will be severely affected.
“We cannot afford other crucial projects to be affected by the incompetence, poor planning and mismanagement deficiencies of this ANC-led administration,” concluded Joubert