The South African Social Security Agency (SASSA) is encouraging beneficiaries to ensure that they read SASSA notification letters.
These notifications, according to the agency, could be messages to inform beneficiaries about changes that could affect their social grants.
SASSA has since stressed the importance of ensuring that the addresses of beneficiaries are accurate so that they can receive notifications in time.
“It is the responsibility of a social grant beneficiary to notify the agency about any changes in his/her circumstances, including changes such as marital status, financial or medical situation.”
SASSA has warned that failure to cooperate during the grant review, engaging in fraudulent activity or misrepresentation that results in the approval of the grant, and failure to submit required documents could lead to the suspension of the social grant.
“To avoid the suspension of social grant the beneficiary must report the circumstances mentioned above as early as possible.
“In a situation where the grant was suspended, restoration of the suspended grant application must be lodged within 30 days of suspension. This restoration happens when the grant was suspended due to failure to collect for more than three consecutive months or failure to review,” the statement read.