The South African Traditional Music Achievements Awards (SATMA Awards) in partnership with the Limpopo Provincial
Government officially launched the return of the SATMA Roadshows.
The first roadshow kick started on Monday, 22 August 2022 at Lebowakgomo Civic Centre.
The SATMAs roadshows serve as a talent search campaign with the aim to recognize upcoming cultural groups and to provide a unique opportunity to all participating cultural groups.
All cultural groups that perform at the SATMA Awards roadshow could be chosen to perform at one of the SATMA Awards events.
The next roadshows will be at the following areas, 24th of August Janefurse
Makhuduthamaga, 25th in Greater Giyani Municipality and conclude in Mahwelereng Shopping Complex on the
26th of August 2022.
The South African Traditional Music Achievements Awards main event will
take place on the 1st of October 2022.