Sello Chokoe
On November 12th, as part of the Solly Hlabirwa Malaka Limpopo Indigenous Arts Festival, Thatale Productions will present Sello Chokoe’s Infants of Dust theatrical at Polokwane Library Gardens.
The piece is an adaptation of the poetry book of the same name by Sello Chokoe. The play is directed by Nape Thatale Motebejane, featuring Sello Chokoe and Seitebaleng Lydia Dire and introducing Mapaseka on acoustic guitar.
“Since the book’s release in late 2021, a stage adaptation of INFANTS OF DUST has been an idea I’ve toyed with for months, especially as few theater directors have wanted to work with me on my poetry. It was only until September 2022 that Klaas Motebejane, the play’s director, was approached to bring a drama production to a festival in Limpopo,” said Chokoe.
“We sat down and developed the idea of adapting the book. We brought out a team and worked on it. The play debuted at Xclusive Theatre in October 2022 during the 015 Theatre Festival.”
He say the true spark was ingited after watching a play called Tswalo at Market Theatre by Billy Eward.
“It had everything my spirit was yearning for in this space. From movement to song, drama, the lighting and beautifully written poetry with a deep sense of emotion. And I was inspired to create and work on a full length one hander production.”

Chokoe believes that theater is still relevant in modern society because it enables us to view things from different perspectives. One can experience personally the development of characters other than ourselves as audience members.
“Storytelling is more relevant today than ever and theatre plays an important role in teaching, especially young people, the value of self-expression. The psychology, humanity, conflict resolution, and motivations are all displayed. I believe in art, especially performing arts, because it teaches society about itself and theatre does this with integrity. From just watching a theatre play, one is reminded that they are not alone in their struggles or joys or whatever they are going through. Theatre brings with hope and social change,” said Chokoe.

Despite the fact that poetry and theater belong to the same stream, there is often a perception of a distinction between them. Poets often compose for the stage, engage with theater artists on stage adaptations of their works, or both. Chokoe says Infants of Dust is a full-blown adaptations and not a performance poetry or recitals.
“It is a full length production with with a team of producers, a writer, a director, actors, composer, cinematographer and management. Each one of us brings a different energy for the uniqueness of a collective performance.”
You can watch a brief preview of the play her : https://youtu.be/zjtl2Z-X4-o