Upgraded Beitbridge Border Post Remains Dysfunctional - Mega Press

Upgraded Beitbridge Border Post Remains Dysfunctional

After numerous upgrades to the border post and town infrastructure, forming part of the R4.6 million modernisation project, Beitbridge officially reopened to traffic in June this year.

According to Action SA leader, Herman Mashaba, the dysfunctional state of the Beitbridge Border Post between South Africa and Zimbabwe, where the Border Management Authority (BMA) was hastily launched without receiving adequate funding or the transfer of relevant personnel.

“I visited the Beitbridge Border Post alongside ActionSA Limpopo Premier Candidate, Kgoshi Letsiri Phaahla, I saw first-hand the dysfunctional state of the facility which – despite having recently been upgraded – is still plagued by inefficiencies and corruption allegations, ” said Mashaba

“Only a few meters from the border post, there are gaping holes in border fencing which easily allows people to cross the border illegally, and for goods and drugs to be smuggled into our communities,” added Mashaba

ActionSA asserts that the problem with South Africa’s immigration regime does not lie with the country’s laws but with the application of those laws by state agencies and the failure to secure our borders.

ActionSA leader Herman Mashaba at the Beitbridge border in Musina, Limpopo.

“Political will is necessary to turn the situation around, but nearly impossible when the ruling party continually undermines South African law. Launching new entities such as the BMA will therefore do little to address the issue unless the rule of law is implemented, ” said Mashaba

South Africa has 72 ports of entry, of which 53 are land ports of entry, 11 are international airports and eight are sea ports.

The ports are managed and controlled by the Border Management Authority.

In 2022 Home Affairs Minister Aaron Motsoaledi announced that six land ports of entry had been identified for infrastructure and security upgrades.

These include Beitbridge linking SA to Zimbabwe, the Lembombo border post between SA and Mozambique, Maseru Bridge between SA and Lesotho, Ficksburg between SA and Lesotho, Kopfontein between South Africa and Botswana, and Oshoek between SA and Eswatini.

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